About Tiiu Napp
Tiiu is a woman on a mission to share the process of learning the journey to freedom begins within.
Tiiu is an author, professional keynote speaker, transformational coach, award-winning photographer and a survivor of domestic violence. She shares her life of violence and abuse in her book, “Healing the Holes in Your Soul/ Your Journey to Freedom Begins Within.” Through her stories and life, she discovered “The 15 Steps to your Freedom”. Tiiu reveals her transformation from a lonely life in darkness to discovering the light within her soul. She shows how listening to her inner voice has led her to an incredible life of unconditional love, joy, and happiness. Tiiu now is sharing this life of abuse for the reader to embrace the 15 steps to freedom.
“The answers you seek, are a whisper within.” -Tiiu/TS
Her passion as a photographer, began as a child. During her days of domestic violence and recovery. Her camera became her voice in life. Today, Tiiu, no longer needs to share her voice in life through her photography. Her pictures portray the beauty of life. Her camera is her chosen instrument to capture fleeting moments in time, and bring joy, hope and love to the world.
Tiiu’s mission and goal is to guide you on your journey, to find your self-worth, your self-love and your self-esteem. You can order Tiiu’s book and award-winning photography by going to the tab titled CONTACT.
“Freedom Begins Within!” -Tiiu/TS
a survivor of domestic violence and abuse. During those days I clung to my camera and passion of photography. Today my photography is no longer my shield, but my opportunity to capture precious moments in time and bring joy to others.
My newly released book, “Healing the Holes in Your Soul: Your Journey to Freedom Begins Within” is my life journey and the path I have taken to heal the tattered pieces of my soul. The book includes a forward by the renowned Dr. Michael Gross, who has had a deep and lasting impact on my life.
Everyone has a gift, a purpose in life. We must look within and find harmony in our mind, body and soul, for it is the tapestry of our life.
Today, it is truly an honor to see how shattered pieces of broken souls are uniting and creating a massive ripple of Love around the World.
I am a survivor, a photographer, an author and your guide to “Healing the Holes in Your Soul”.
I am a miracle… I AM LOVE!
Mission Statement
The goal is to guide victims of domestic violence and emotional abuse into a positive life of love. Working through mind, body and soul awareness, individuals will begin to understand their strengths and how to harness positivity and release negativite energy.
By unlocking the chains that bind, survivors will improve their self-worth, self-love and self-esteem through customized coaching programs.
Your Unique Program
Traditional counselors approach a situation from the outside in perspective, vis-a-vis, book knowledge. As a qualified coach working with the population who have been abused, my approach is from the inside out. Which means, I draw upon personal experiences of abuse. In this way, I am able to share the steps I took to become the proverbial bird called the Phoenix, i.e. reborn and rising from the ashes.
I specialize in helping individuals identify and overcome the many faces of abuse. Through indiviual coaching, clients will be guided to help improve their self-worth, self-love and self-esteem. Each client will receive a customized session. Family programs are also available.
My Background in Photography
I have loved photography since my grandmother put a Brownie camera in my hand when I was 8 years old. As a high school student, I took my first photography class and fell in love with capturing fleeting moments. I attended Olympic College, Bremerton Washington and studied Dark Room Techniques as well as black and white photography. I am continually inspired by the love I have for my home city and capturing the beauty of the Pacific Northwest. I have also photographed many different subjects, scenes, and moments all over the world. There’s a picture around every corner. Eyes wide open…See through a different lens!